Contest Status: CLOSED
Thank you for participating in the 2025 contest!
Getting Ready
Artwork must be the contestant’s original hand-drawn creation - digital mediums or AI generated artwork is not qualified. Participants are allowed to use photos, videos, and artwork, including those of past Fish Art participants as inspiration only when creating your artwork. Any artwork that is an exact replica of a photo or other work will be disqualified.
Artwork must not be larger than 11"x17" and 2" thick.
Art must be free of any signatures or initials on the front of the art, signatures are allowed on the back of the artwork.
Art must be free of any writing unless it relates to the artwork (i.e. the name of a boat).
Art should feature any fish species of choice (with exceptions, see below). Some species are eligible for specialty awards.
Goldfish, guppies, bettas, and koi are NOT eligible. Artwork must feature wild fish in natural habitats.
Length: no more than one side of one page, typed preferred, with the contestants name, grade, and state on the back.
Creative writing should show the contestants knowledge, connection to and/or understanding of their chosen fish.
Creative writing submissions may be decorated, have illustrations, or be creative in appearance but the words should be the main focus of the piece.
Creative writing is not required for contestants in grades K-3 and international participants.
Participants should be sure to select the entry form that applies to them. Alaska, Florida, Georgia, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, South Dakota, Texas, and Vermont have state specific forms. All other US and international participants should use the general entry form. Please see each states page for state specific rules.
Submitting - Option 1 : Complete the online entry form. Select “I am mailing my artwork and essay”. Postmark your work with your name clearly printed on the back by Feb 28th, 2024.
Submitting - Option 2: Complete online entry form. Select “I am uploading my artwork and essay.” Attach your scanned work to the form and click submit. **All international students should be submitting their artwork digitally**
Please limit the amount of packaging when mailing your artwork. It is recommended to use a flat cardboard box or a thick, cardboard envelope - your artwork will be safe and mailing will be cheaper. We encourage you to avoid using boxes and plastic fillers.
Do not ship artwork in a frame or matt - especially glass. It breaks.
Creative Writing is not required for any international participant.
If you choose to send your entry by mail, please know that we will not be able to return it.
For each state and country, winners will be selected in four age categories: Kindergarten to 3rd grade (ages 5-8), 4th to 6th grade (ages 9-11), 7th to 9th grade (ages 12-14), and 10th to 12th grade (ages 15-18). In each category, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners will be chosen.
All 1st place winners from each state's age category will advance to compete in the United States National Judging.

Congratulations to the 2024 Fish Art Winners!
View the Fish Art Specialty Awards
Our State Hosts
Thank You to Our Sponsors!

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