The Wildlife Forever Art of Conservation contest series was created to inspire and connect youth to the outdoors. Using art, writing, and science-based lessons, the programs highlight conservation issues and the need to conserve fish, wildlife and wild places around the world.

How to Enter
The Fish and Songbird Art Contest is free and open to all persons in grades K-12 (aged 5-18 years old).
Review the Contest Rules and Guidelines with an adult. The Fish and Songbird Art will have their respective guidelines to review and sign.
Select a species to base your artwork on. Note: Fish Art entries MUST feature a wild fish in a natural habitat.
Use books and reputable online resources to research your selected specie(s).
Create a hand-made, original illustration of your species. Exact copies of a photo or other artist’s work will be disqualified. Any 2D medium is acceptable.
Artwork must not exceed 11”x17” in size. To ensure the quality of the submission, artwork is scanned, and office scanners cannot accommodate pieces larger than this size. If you plan to mail artwork that is on a material other than paper, please keep it under 2” in thickness—lighter and smaller pieces help reduce shipping costs.
Create a personally written piece of creative writing or essay (one side of one page) sharing what you learned. Essays are not required for K-3 and international participants.
Complete a contest entry form to complete your submission. Forms and artwork can be submitted digitally or mailed in. Mail-ins must be no larger than 11" x 17" and 2" thick.
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